Online Training for the Language Industries

Study day Research
On  January 26, 2023Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire
The Language Industry has been continuously growing for the last 10 years, currently being one of the more robust economic sectors with a 11% estimated annual growth.
Great technological and skill developments have taken place along this growth in the private sector, that have outpaced the translation training proposals at Higher Education institutions despite considerable efforts to the contrary by scholars. The Translation Studies community, in the meantime, has adopted a research-based pedagogic agenda to inform translators' training and education with the latest advances in empirical investigations on the translation process.

The main objective of this project, therefore, is to develop an innovative, inclusive training model taking the most of technological advances to provide a new, industry-oriented and research-based quality qualification. The project team has designed an open, flexible online course in response to the gaps and requisites identified in online training as a result of the pandemic, and created learning resources enabling autonomous use. The aim of this one-day conference will be to discuss the resources created while assessing the project objectives and deliverables in the broad context of the European language industries.
Published on  January 9, 2023
Updated on  January 9, 2023